Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Design Family

So this blog was started out of excitement to what you can find out there that is so unique off of these blogs.

People are so talented, and I love finding clothes, home furnishings, and any kids items that our not sold at your Wal mart. Don't get me wrong I love to buy food from Wal mart Saves me huge money with 3 growing boys and 1 cute girl to feed. O and don't forget about the husband who loves his meals.

So Anyone who has made their own creation please feel free to share your link with me I will share it with everyone!!

Everyone always thinks I work for some hidden retailer because when I find something I love I share it with all, and tell them they have to buy it NOW!!

I will be making some more clothes for my daughter so stay in touch and I will be posting some photos of them and you can tell me yes or no, on them. Take care everyone and Keep designing.

If anyone missed dave my husband, on the Oprah Show.....he nows has his own website and you can check out his rooms that appeared on the Oprah Show in Nov. of 07.

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